С сайта Humaniq исчезла информация о сооснователях

С сайта проекта Humaniq, который провёл ICO на $5 млн весной 2017 года, пропала информация об основателях. Ранее работавший адрес https://humaniq.com/about выдаёт ошибку 404 и перенаправляет на главную страницу сайта.

По данному адресу располагалась информация об основателях и команде проекта, в частности, об основателе Алексе Форке (настоящее имя — Алексей Васильев; предпочитает пользоваться псевдонимом) и сооснователе «молдавском олигархе» и «визионере» Дмитрии Каминском (ранее покупал Интерактивный банк и обещал вложить в ibank 1 миллиард долларов. На деле банк был лишён лицензии ЦБ в апреле 2016 года, вкладчики получали выплаты из АСВ).

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About Humaniq

A little snapshot about the people that live Humaniq and run Humaniq.

Our Mission

Today, two billion people around the world do not have access to banking. Humaniq aims to increase financial inclusion worldwide by providing new financial services to the unbanked based on Blockchain technology and biometric identification systems. With this new mobile digital economy, we will help people who are excluded from the financial system break free from poverty and improve their lives, and emerging economies shift into the cryptoeconomy.

Humaniq Team

Alex Fork
Head of Humaniq
Humaniq founder and Fintech entrepreneur Alex is one of the most important members of the international Blockchain community, who has worked with the UN to lead the deployment of Blockchain technology to improve the efficiency of UN resources and remittances. He has also spearheaded the harnessing of blockchains in Russia, organising a conference for 500 participants on the Ethereum Blockchain; authoring Bitcoin. More than Just Money; and founding the Fintech accelerator for startups in Russia, Future Fintech. He started Humaniq to help lift the global banked out of poverty.

Serafima Semkina
Bringing experience of management and economics, Serafima’s passions include art, music and Russian literature and the crypto-economy. She cannot stand inequality and is happy to have the opportunity to tackle it with Humaniq.

Javed Khattak
Javed has a background as an actuary and of finance, consulting and startups. He loves technology, especially gadgets, AI and virtual reality, and believes in Blockchain for Good. He is working with Humaniq to bring greater opportunities and fairness to the world.

Anton Mozgovoy
Product Manager
Anton was motivated to work with Humaniq to use his experience in both computer science and finance to help to bring happiness for all across the world. He is passionate about freedriving and wakeboarding, and, of course, staying late to finish work.

Georgii Oleinikov
Bringing experience of mathematics and computer science, Georgii loves things that have an impact and people that make these things happen. He believes there is big room for improvement in the financial sector, with many not served.

Kherel Kechil
Lead Frontend Developer
Kherel is a digital nomad. He joined Humaniq to experience and participate in the financial evolution, and observe changes to the better in the country where he currently resides – China.

Peyman Irani
Peyman’s background is in sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, and social media and he is passionate about his family, innovation and humanitarian capitalism. Fairness means a lot to him and he believes we can do something great for humanity at Humaniq.

Segrey Blinov
Bringing experience of social media and customer service support, Segrey is passionate about Blockchain technology and his family.

Danny Kass
Danny’s background is in social media, B2B sales and customer service support. He loves cryptoeconomy and technology and at Humaniq is motivated to disrupt the financial industry with an ecosystem for entrepreneurs to make changes from the bottom up.

Andriy Schechenko
Forum Administrator
Andriy has experience in computer science, security research, online community building and entrepreneurship and is passionate about both improving the world and space exploration. At Humaniq he wants to contribute to something good for humanity and boost financial independence.

Lee Baker
Lee has a background in both communications and community organising and loves story-telling to inspire positive action and to connect with others to change things for the better. He wants to unleash the power of the collaborative economy and help everyone to put their destinies into their own hands.

Olga Derbio
Graphic Designer
Olga has a background in architecture, interior design and graphic design, and is passionate about inspiring others, building sites, spontaneity, and the universe. She is at Humaniq so she can be creative for social good – and to become a crypto geek!

Humaniq Advisers

Dinis Guarda

Digital age influencer Dinis is the founder of digital communications consultancy Ztudium and manager of websites intelligenthq.com, openbusinesscouncil.org, tradersdna.com, and hedgethink.com. Dinis also co-founded BlockchainAge, a blockchain research and tech influencer, platform, book and film; led the digital strategy for invstr.com; authored books including The Next Tsunami: Blockchain plus AI and IOT and led a digital master course in London for Group INSEEC. He has been ranked as in the top 100 Blockchain and Fintech influencers.

Dmitry Kaminskiy

An innovative entrepreneur and investor active in Biotech, Fintech, Blockchain and artificial intelligence, Dmitry is co-founder of the Deep Knowledge Ventures investment fund, focused on investments in AI and Deeptech. He adheres to the principle of impact investment in all his business activities, believing that business should make a social impact, and he supports the deployment of Blockchain for Good, which led to his decision to support Humaniq from its inception.

David Applefield

Is an American writer and media specialist living in Paris. He has as spent his career developing creative and innovative solutions for business leaders, heads of state, ministries, NGOs, and other not-for- profit foundations. He is the Financial Times representative for Africa, the Middle East and emerging markets.

Iggy Bassi

Is the co-founder and serves as a Director of GADCO, a venture focused on sustainable agriculture and livelihood development in West Africa with LATAM technologies. He has a long track record in building companies in the technology, finance, and impact markets – in both emerged and emerging markets. Over the past 20 years he has advised many global companies (inc. Fortune 500), sovereigns, and entrepreneurs on solving problems in competitiveness, sustainability, scenario planning, and structuring complex transactions. He works at the intersection of technology, sustainability, food security, global security, and innovative thinking around the collaborative economy.

Matt McKibbin

Is a business development guru and a decentralization evangelist. He became interested in Bitcoin and the blockchain technology in 2012. Technologically savvy, he is an extroverted connector driven by a desire to see transformative and decentralized technologies positively affect the 7 billion people on the planet. He is based in the Washington DC metro area.

Alex Bausch

Is an entrepreneur with broad experience in all aspects of international business development and the creation of global technology companies. He strongly believes in partner ecosystems which aim to inspire and spawn new innovations. His specialties include: SaaS services, mobile identity security, the IoT, enterprise managed mobility, decentralised ledger technology, marketing, and product development.

Nick Ayton

Is a writer, speaker and educator of all things Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. He is a Fintech 100 Influencer and Number 21 Rise Blockchain Top 100. He has had eight startups and held many senior roles in major IT and tech companies. He now chairs various Blockchain events and advises a range of clients on Blockchain technology, bitcoin and Ethereum. One of his latest projects is to raise funds using cryptoeconomics and create a new film finance model to make a mini- series for TV about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token, and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum.
Ron Morris

Has been designing and delivering educational programs in multiple countries for over a decade. After several years working for Groupe INSEEC, France’s largest higher education group, he went on to direct their London campus, bringing in top-tier thought leaders, practitioners, and companies to contribute to programs and events. He has now opened a new campus for Groupe INSEEC in San Francisco, delivering immersive, challenge-based programs focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, bringing together a wide range of startups, accelerators, institutes, and thought leaders.

Tim Campbell

In previous roles Tim has been a key government advisor on Diversity, Small Business Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. Tim was also Boris Johnson’s Training and Enterprise ambassador for the City of London whilst Mr Johnson was Mayor of London.
In February 2012 Tim was awarded the MBE for his efforts supporting enterprise and he currently sits on the City of London’s Education Board. Tim is a keen runner and martial arts enthusiast and is happily married with two children.
Michael Terpin

Michael Terpin co-founded BitAngels (www.bitangels.co), the world’s first angel network for digital currency startups, in May 2013, and now serves as its chairman. The distributed angel network currently has more than 600 members, and it has made more than 25 investments in bitcoin and cryptocurrency companies with two exits and several follow-on rounds. Terpin is also co-founder and managing partner of bCommerce Labs (www.bcommercelabs.com), the first technology incubator fund focused on e-commerce companies for bitcoin and the blockchain, and a partner at Flight VC.

Chami Akmeemana

Paolo Tasca

Paolo Tasca is a FinTech economist specialising in P2P Financial System. An advisor for different international organisations including the EU Parliament on blockchain technologies, Paolo recently joined the University College London as Director of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT). Prior to that, he has been a senior research economist at Deutsche Bundesbank working on digital currencies and P2P lending. Paolo is the co-author of the bestseller “FINTECH Book” and the co-editor of the book “Banking Beyond Banks and Money.
A quick walk through our history as a company:



Inception of the Humaniq idea by Alex Fork.


Humaniq Whitebook is written and the original project team is formed.


Humaniq.co website is launched and pre-ICO is announced



Smart contracts are being developed, due diligence and marketing campaign take place.


Humaniq team meets with project partners in India. Alex Fork conducts the first performance tests of the project in unbanked regions of India.


Humaniq announces first online hackathon


Pre-ICO (crowdsale) is launched


Alpha version of the app is available for testing on IOS and Android.


Humaniq collects $1.5 mln in the first hour of their ICO.


App with new enchanced biometrics is being released.


Humaniq is 43 people now, working from 14 countries.

Open source
Humaniq Wiki
HMQ Explorer
Use Cases
White Paper
Contact us
Humaniq is a simple and secure mobile app, delivering financial inclusion solutions to the 2.5 billion unbanked / 1 billion underbanked globally.

Более ранняя версия информации (в ней сооснователями названы Каминский и Гуарда; в более поздней версии они значатся только в списке “эдвайзеров”). 

Alex Fork

Head of Humaniq

Humaniq founder and Fintech entrepreneur Alex is one of the most important members of the international Blockchain community, who has worked with the UN to lead the deployment of Blockchain technology to improve the efficiency of UN resources and remittances. He has also spearheaded the harnessing of blockchains in Russia, organising a conference for 500 participants on the Ethereum Blockchain; authoring Bitcoin. More than Just Money; and founding the Fintech accelerator for startups in Russia, Future Fintech. He started Humaniq to help lift the global banked out of poverty.


Dmitry Kaminskiy

Executive Chairman and Co-Founder

An innovative entrepreneur and investor active in Biotech, Fintech, Blockchain and artificial intelligence, Dmitry is co-founder of the Deep Knowledge Ventures investment fund, focused on investments in AI and Deeptech. He adheres to the principle of impact investment in all his business activities, believing that business should make a social impact, and he supports the deployment of Blockchain for Good, which led to his decision to support Humaniq from its inception.


Dinis Guarda

CEO and Co-Founder of Humaniq

Digital age influencer Dinis is the founder of digital communications consultancy Ztudium and manager of websites intelligenthq.com, openbusinesscouncil.org, tradersdna.com, and hedgethink.com. Dinis also co-founded BlockchainAge, a blockchain research and tech influencer, platform, book and film; led the digital strategy for invstr.com; authored books including The Next Tsunami: Blockchain plus AI and IOT and led a digital master course in London for Group INSEEC. He has been ranked as in the top 100 Blockchain and Fintech influencers.



Zeeshan Mallick


With a background in digital marketing, Zeeshan is passionate about people, family and friends. He is a life coach and supporting people to achieve their goals is what he loves. He joined Humaniq to help individuals move on to a more stable and comfortable life.

Derin Cag


Derin has experience of digital marketing, guerilla marketing and PR, and is passionate about deep tech, space and driving, as well as family and friends. He was inspired to get involved with Humaniq by Dinis Guarda.

Serafima Semkina


Bringing experience of management and economics, Serafima’s passions include art, music and Russian literature and the crypto-economy. She cannot stand inequality and is happy to have the opportunity to tackle it with Humaniq.

Javed Khattak


Javed has a background as an actuary and of finance, consulting and startups. He loves technology, especially gadgets, AI and virtual reality, and believes in Blockchain for Good. He is working with Humaniq to bring greater opportunities and fairness to the world.

Anton Mozgovoy

Product Manager

Anton was motivated to work with Humaniq to use his experience in both computer science and finance to help to bring happiness for all across the world. He is passionate about freedriving and wakeboarding, and, of course, staying late to finish work.

Georgii Oleinikov


Bringing experience of mathematics and computer science, Georgii loves things that have an impact and people that make these things happen. He believes there is big room for improvement in the financial sector, with many not served.

Kherel Kechil

Lead Frontend Developer

Kherel is a digital nomad. He joined Humaniq to experience and participate in the financial evolution, and observe changes to the better in the country where he currently resides – China.

Kherel Kechil

Lead Frontend Developer

Kherel is a digital nomad. He joined Humaniq to experience and participate in the financial evolution, and observe changes to the better in the country where he currently resides – China.

Peyman Irani


Peyman’s background is in sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, and social media and he is passionate about his family, innovation and humanitarian capitalism. Fairness means a lot to him and he believes we can do something great for humanity at Humaniq.

Rayane Hochine

SMM, PR, CSS, Operations

Rayane brings experience of business and corporate strategy and digital marketing, business and innovation. He is passionate about the Blockchain, cryptocurrency, new technologies and travelling and sees the potential to help a large number of people with Humaniq.

Segrey Blinov


Bringing experience of social media and customer service support, Segrey is passionate about Blockchain technology and his family.

Andriy Schechenko

Forum Administrator

Andriy has experience in computer science, security research, online community building and entrepreneurship and is passionate about both improving the world and space exploration. At Humaniq he wants to contribute to something good for humanity and boost financial independence.

Lee Baker


Lee has a background in both communications and community organising and loves story-telling to inspire positive action and to connect with others to change things for the better. He wants to unleash the power of the collaborative economy and help everyone to put their destinies into their own hands.

Olga Derbio

Graphic Designer

Olga has a background in architecture, interior design and graphic design, and is passionate about inspiring others, building sites, spontaneity, and the universe. She is at Humaniq so she can be creative for social good – and to become a crypto geek!

Humaniq Advisers

David Applefield

Is an American writer and media specialist living in Paris. He has as spent his career developing creative and innovative solutions for business leaders, heads of state, ministries, NGOs, and other not-for- profit foundations. He is the Financial Times representative for Africa, the Middle East and emerging markets.

Iggy Bassi

Is the co-founder and serves as a Director of GADCO, a venture focused on sustainable agriculture and livelihood development in West Africa with LATAM technologies. He has a long track record in building companies in the technology, finance, and impact markets – in both emerged and emerging markets. Over the past 20 years he has advised many global companies (inc. Fortune 500), sovereigns, and entrepreneurs on solving problems in competitiveness, sustainability, scenario planning, and structuring complex transactions. He works at the intersection of technology, sustainability, food security, global security, and innovative thinking around the collaborative economy.

Matt McKibbin

Is a business development guru and a decentralization evangelist. He became interested in Bitcoin and the blockchain technology in 2012. Technologically savvy, he is an extroverted connector driven by a desire to see transformative and decentralized technologies positively affect the 7 billion people on the planet. He is based in the Washington DC metro area.

Alex Bausch

Is an entrepreneur with broad experience in all aspects of international business development and the creation of global technology companies. He strongly believes in partner ecosystems which aim to inspire and spawn new innovations. His specialties include: SaaS services, mobile identity security, the IoT, enterprise managed mobility, decentralised ledger technology, marketing, and product development.

Nick Ayton

Is a writer, speaker and educator of all things Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. He is a Fintech 100 Influencer and Number 21 Rise Blockchain Top 100. He has had eight startups and held many senior roles in major IT and tech companies. He now chairs various Blockchain events and advises a range of clients on Blockchain technology, bitcoin and Ethereum. One of his latest projects is to raise funds using cryptoeconomics and create a new film finance model to make a mini- series for TV about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token, and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum.

Ron Morris

Has been designing and delivering educational programs in multiple countries for over a decade. After several years working for Groupe INSEEC, France’s largest higher education group, he went on to direct their London campus, bringing in top-tier thought leaders, practitioners, and companies to contribute to programs and events. He has now opened a new campus for Groupe INSEEC in San Francisco, delivering immersive, challenge-based programs.

Tim Campbell

In previous roles Tim has been a key government advisor on Diversity, Small Business Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. Tim was also Boris Johnson’s Training and Enterprise ambassador for the City of London whilst Mr Johnson was Mayor of London.

In February 2012 Tim was awarded the MBE for his efforts supporting enterprise and he currently sits on the City of London’s Education Board. Tim is a keen runner and martial arts enthusiast and is happily married with two children.

Michael Terpin

Michael Terpin co-founded BitAngels (www.bitangels.co), the world’s first angel network for digital currency startups, in May 2013, and now serves as its chairman. The distributed angel network currently has more than 600 members, and it has made more than 25 investments in bitcoin and cryptocurrency companies with two exits and several follow-on rounds. Terpin is also co-founder and managing partner of bCommerce Labs (www.bcommercelabs.com), the first technology incubator fund focused on e-commerce companies for bitcoin and the blockchain, and a partner at Flight VC.

Chami Akmeemana

Paolo Tasca

Paolo Tasca is a FinTech economist specialising in P2P Financial System. An advisor for different international organisations including the EU Parliament on blockchain technologies, Paolo recently joined the University College London as Director of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT). Prior to that, he has been a senior research economist at Deutsche Bundesbank working on digital currencies and P2P lending. Paolo is the co-author of the bestseller “FINTECH Book” and the co-editor of the book “Banking Beyond Banks and Money.

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